Because you are a college student, chances are you have written countless reports, essays, term papers, and articles. Perhaps some of your written works have even been published. If you have been assigned the task of writing an article critique, you are now in the unique and challenging position of analyzing an article that has been written by somebody else. So, where do you begin?
The process involved in writing an article critique takes a very long time, and a lot of concerted effort. You must read the article multiple times in order to analyze it properly. Has the author communicated his or her thoughts clearly? Are there omissions of information? What about the author's sources? Has s/he taken anything out of context? In order to answer that question, you will have to investigate each and every source that the author has cited. Does it appear as if the author is biased in any way? Which revisions would you suggest? Even after you have explored these questions (and others), you still have to go through the process of writing and editing your critique.
If you are simply too busy to spend time working on an article critique, we have good news for you. At, we offer article critique assistance. If you allow us to work on your critique, one of our writers will produce a piece that is logical, organized, well thought out, and constructive. Your critique will also be a completely original written work with no content derived from other sources. Also, please keep in mind that, as a customer of, you can always expect the following:
Don't delay, contact us for all of your academic writing needs!