All businesses have two things – they have products or services, and they some form of customer service. Years ago, when a customer was disenchanted with either of these things, s/he could complain to the manager or owner. Today, those complaints are plastered all over the Internet – on the company’s website, on social media sites, and on other sites specifically designed to take consumer comments. And potential customers can find them all with a simple search.
Marketing research tells us that only about 2% of the people who consume products and services will comment on them, and that the majority of those will be negative – people are prone to “sound off” when they are dis-satisfied and not to do so when they are happy. If only the “nay-sayers” post comments, your business can suffer. Added to that are sneaky competitors who will post bad reviews on you.
You cannot post your own reviews, for they will all sound the same, and ultimately will not be believed. What you can do, however, is contract with Evo Essay copywriters – creative and technically-savvy experts who have been providing product and service reviews for web-based businesses for years. And because this is their writing niche, they know exactly how, how often, and where to place great reviews of both what you offer to consumers and your phenomenal customer service.
Ideally, you need a schedule of review postings, so that there is a steady and yet believable amount of reviews and so that those reviews appear on your site, your social media accounts, others’ social media accounts, and all sites whose purpose is to carry consumer reviews.
Remember, lots of positive reviews can mitigate any negative reviews you may have received, so it is important that you have a regular posts from “happy customers.” can give you these posts. Contact us and let’s set up a schedule for your reviews.