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How Trump Will Make America Great Again? Infographic

November 17, 2016 - Posted to Writing

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The hot issue of the latest moths is the 45th US presidential election. No wonder why many educational institutions give their students topics like “Make America Great Again” or dwell on the “It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!” statement by Donald Trump. Evo Essay writing online service has done some research and prepared a guide in Mr. Trump`s election campaign and the ways of its implementation.

The incredulity has been accompanying the whole process since the first announcement on June 16, 2015. Nevertheless Donald Trump is a well-respected and successful entrepreneur, his sharp statements haven’t brought him much trust from politicians or celebrities, who refused to support his candidacy.

Firstly, we would like to highlight the domestic policy promised by Mr. Trump, as of gun control, probable term limits for members of Congress, finance campaign (including tax changes), military upgrade, social security and improvements in educational system.  No wonder there were enough supporters from a low and middle class income, who work quite hard to make ends meet and don’t want to share their income or be unemployed because of a huge amount of immigrants from Mexico (as Mr. Trump said “Begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border on day one. Mexico will pay for the wall”).

As well as his plan of renegotiation (or is it better to say elimination?) of NAFTA, according to which manufacturing will be brought back to the US and new benefits will be invented for companies that follow the new “wave”.  An independent survey by The Center for Automotive Research says that the withdrawal from NAFTA could result unemployment for at least 31,000 US citizens. While the tax increase for goods imported from Mexico (35%) and China (45%) would affect the common purchasing power, as well as the income for low-class and middle-class businesses that work in reselling.

Getting back to the taxes issue, there are some positive and negative sides for each class of income. Mr. Trump proposed to simplify the tax system by inventing Tax Three Brackets of 12%, 25% and 33%. It will lower the taxes for those who earn less than 91,150$, while those who have 120,500 – 190,150$ will have a tax raise from 28% to 33%. And here we come to the upper-class workers, who occur to be in the vantage point. Taxes for those of an income of 413,350 – 415,050$+ will be lowered from 38-40% to 33%. Workers who earn 190,150 – 413,350$ will be paying same tax of 33%. Seems like Mr. President`s promise of “I`m willing to pay more… I`ve had a very good run” is not exactly true.

To jeopardize America`s long-term financial health Trump wants to attract private investments by dangling tax credits and giving more support to infrastructure bank by issuing bonds. Yet, it might turn the situation in a totally different way as investors would spend their money only for projects that will recoup investment costs. Therefore critical infrastructure might be left behind with no financial support. If we look at an investment tax credit (nowadays it works as for a modest 7% investment from the government), Mr. Trump calls to a credit corresponding to 82% for infrastructure projects` needs! Thus the government would basically carry the full responsibility for potential risks, while private investors will receive almost 100% profit in case the project would have success.

An educational problem is also the one that doesn’t have an exact answer to “where to find funds”. As it was promised, Trump would give 12,000$ to every elementary school student living in poverty, which will occur in 20$ billion in total. Likewise 110$ billion must go as a support for school choice efforts. The idea itself is great, as it will provide prodigies with a better education and will develop a smarter society of those who are really willing to hit the top. On the other hand, Mr. Trump hasn’t given any explanation of possible ways of receiving the needed money for it.

One more problem Americans are going to face with is health insurance. Ending the individual mandates requiring health insurance might lead to a big failure for the low-income families. In addition, letting insurance companies sell policies all across the states might affect 25 million Americans losing their health insurance. Maybe for the next election in 2020 we will get a slogan “Let`s make Americans healthy again”?

The statement of “I will bomb the hell out of Islamic State” caused huge indignation all around the world as well. Was it an open call for a war or an admonition for leaders of Islamic world? Though Trump has mentioned he wants to improve relation with Russia, would it be possible if Moscow and Washington share the same interest for mining, minerals and fuel resources in Syria? Looks like geopolitics might end Putin-Trump friendship in nearest future.

Taking into consideration everything mentioned, we are sure that there is a lot to think about now. Surely, it is easy to say that life with the 45th President of the United States won`t be a jump for joy. Yet, there is always something good to find.

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